a computational tool to discover chemical novelty in natural extracts libraries
Version 1.0
Set the parameters according to your inputs and needs:
Each path corresponds to the files mentiones above. Just drop your files in the /data
folder and change the names accordingly:
metadata_filename = '../data/Celastraceae_Set_metadata_pos.tsv'
quantitative_data_filename = '../data/Celastraceae_pos_quant.csv'
tima_results_filename = '../data/Celastraceae_pos_spectral_match_results_repond.tsv'
vectorized_data_filename = '../data/Celastraceae_memomatrix.csv'
canopus_npc_summary_filename = '../data/canopus_npc_summary.tsv'
sirius_annotations_filename = '../data/canopus_npc_summary.tsv'
#GNPS job id
job_id= "yourjobidgoeshere" #for example: job_id="4c919fcbc83d487493a487012afb920a"
species_column = 'yourspeciesnamecolumn' #ATTRIBUTE_species
genus_column = 'yourgenusnamecolumn' #ATTRIBUTE_genus
family_column = 'yourfamilynamecolumn' #ATTRIBUTE_family
organe_column = 'yourorganenamecolumn' #ATTRIBUTE_organie
filename_header = 'yourfilenamecolumn' #filename
ppm_error = 5 # min error in ppm to consider an annotation valable
shared_peaks = 10 # min number of shared peaks between the MS2 experimental and MS2 fro, the database, to consider an annotation valable
cosine = 0.7 # min cosine score to consider an annotation valable
ionisation_mode = 'pos' # ionisation mode according to experimental conditions
data_process_origin = 'MZMine3' #'MZMine2' or 'MZmine3' #specify the sofware use to process the data
use_ion_dentity= True # specify if the ions identity groups should be considered or not. Default True, else False
min_specificity = 90 # minimun feature specificity to consider
only_feature_specificity = False # True if annotations should be ignore and the FC should be calculated based on the features specificity. If False it will compute both The Sample specifity adn the FC
#inputs to use:
isbd_annotations = True # True: the tima_results_filename will be considered in the calculations
sirius_annotations = True #True: the sirius_annotations_filename will be considered in the calculations
min_score_final = 0.0 #cut-off filter for considering an isdb annotation valable. You must be extremenly carefull with this parameter, '0.0' as default.
min_ZodiacScore = 0.9 #cut-off filter for considering a sirius annotation valable. It is used in combination with min_ConfidenceScore.
min_ConfidenceScore = 0.0 #cut-off filter for considering a sirius annotation valable. '0.0' as default.
annotation_preference = 0 # Only Annotated nodes: '1'
# Only Not annotated: '0'
LC_component = True # LC will be calculated
max_comp_reported_sp = 20 # max number of compounds reported at species level, more than this value, the plant is considered less interesting
max_comp_reported_g = 50 # max number of compounds reported at genus level,more than this value, the plant is considered less interesting
max_comp_reported_f = 500 # max number of compounds reported at genus level,more than this value, the plant is considered less interesting
ws = 1 #weight for the species level
wg = 1 #weight for the genus level
wf = 1 #weight for the family level
SC_component = True # SC will be calculated
CC_component = True # CC will be calculated
min_class_confidence = 0.8 #cut-off filter for considering a sirius class valable. It is used in combination with min_recurrence.
min_recurrence = 5 # minimum recurrence of a chemical class to consider it acceptable
# 1 means the value itself is taken into account. A 0.5 means onle half of the calculated value is taken into account
w1 = 1 #for FC
w2 = 1 #for LC
w3 = 1 #for SC
w4 = 1 #for CC